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Contact Us
Get in Touch!
We are always looking for input and new ideas. Feel free to give us a call or stop by an office for a visit. Many of our programs rely on the feedback we receive from producers.
Please call before stopping by an office as we are often in the field and wouldn't want to miss you!
Visit Us!
Fairview Research Farm Site Office
820059 Range Road 35
2 miles west of Fairview on Hwy 64A
North 1.5 miles on RR 35
P: 780-523-4033
Fairview GPRC Office
11235 98 Ave
Rm. 229, T.I.B., GPRC Campus
Box 3000
Fairview, AB T0H 1L0
P: 780-835-6799
F: 780-835-6628
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