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Effects of Different Biostimulants and Soil Amendments on Canola-Wheat-Canola Production

Funded by the Peace Region Living Lab


A plant biostimulant (PB) is any substance or microorganism applied to plants in minute quantities, to enhance nutrition efficiency, abiotic stress tolerance and/or crop quality traits regardless of its nutrient content. Many PBs and soil amendments are presently on the market. In our trial, we examined various biostimulants to assess their impact on canola crop yields and grain qualities, aiming to provide producers with valuable insights into which soil amendments can effectively enhance productivity and nutrient efficiency. By quantifying the benefits of these biostimulants, our research seeks to guide agronomic decision-making, helping farmers optimize their inputs for better economic and environmental outcomes.


The project was implemented at the Fairview Research Farm (RR 35 Fairview, AB). Site soil information from the surface soil (0-6" soil depth) before seeding: pH=5.8, organic matter = 6.1 electrical conductivity = 0.42 dS/m, while the nutrient analysis of the soil gave N = 42 ppm, P = 17 ppm, K= 155 ppm and S = 5 ppm. The research started in 2021 and has been in Canola-Wheat rotation. Crop history: summer fallow (2021), Wheat (2022). 

Experimental design includes randomized complete block design using four replications in small plots measuring 8 m x 1.14 m. Seeding was carried out using a 6-row Fabro Plot Drill with disc-type openers on 23 cm row spacing complete with side banding.


The site experienced exceedingly hot temperatures in May, June, and July with a precipitation event shortly after seeding the trial. In total, the growing season had approximately 230 mm of rain. With smoke from regional wildfires, UV Index was possibly reduced and this diminished stress on crops during times of little moisture. Pest pressure was evident throughout the region with grasshoppers having major impacts on hay, pastureland and some annual crops.


Grain Yield

Grain yield ranged from 38 to 57 bu/ac and varied significantly between treatments with the seed treatment + Foliar Fertilizer treatment having the lowest grain yields. Grain yields for most PBs and soil amendments did not differ from the control. 

Grain Attributes 

Both test (bushel) weight and seed (thousand kernel) weight ranged from 55.7 - 56.7 lbs/bu and 3.78 - 4.18 g respectively but did not differ significantly between treatments.

Grain Quality 

Protein and fat content ranged from 26.5% - 27.5% and 43.8% - 46.1% respectively but did not vary significantly between treatments. 

Figure 1. Humalite Biostimulant.
Figure 1. Humalite Biostimulant.
Figure 2. Biostimulant on Canola plots
Figure 2. Biostimulant on Canola plots


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