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Experimental Research and Demonstration Plots: Highlights of Field Work, Laboratory and Statistical Analysis, and Reporting

The Peace Country Beef and Forage Association (PCBFA) ensures strict adherence to best management practices for grain and forage crop production, including crop rotation, soil tests, fertilizer application, and spraying. The amount of seeds used in our plots is determined based on factors such as seed germination, seed weight, plot size, seed coating, and seedling mortality. Herbicide applications are carried out according to The Crop Protection Guide (also known as the "Blue Book"). Prior to harvest, small plots are trimmed back to a minimum of 6.5 m from 8.0 m.


Grain and Feed Analysis

Representative samples of both grain and forage (after drying) from various trials and demonstrations are sent to A&L Canada Laboratories Inc., in London, Ontario, for quality determination. All quality indicators presented in this report are reported on a dry matter (DM) basis.


Field Data Analysis

The field trials conducted by PCBFA undergo rigorous statistical analysis to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the trial and demonstrate the reliability of the obtained data. Outliers are identified through data testing and excluded from the statistical analysis. When ANOVA indicates significant treatment effects, means are separated using the least significant difference (LSD) at the 0.05 probability level. Differences between two treatments are considered significant only if they are equal to or greater than the LSD value. If a particular variety outperforms another variety by an amount equal to or greater than the LSD value, we can be 95% certain that the yield difference is real, with only a 5% probability that the difference is due to chance alone.


Presentation of Results

The findings from the 2022 research and demonstrations, as well as their implications, are emphasized in this report. Beef cattle have specific nutrient requirements to support body maintenance, reproduction, lactation, and growth. The interpretation of our feed test results from forage crop-related research focuses on nutrition quality in relation to the "Beef Ration Rules of Thumb" (Yurchuk and Okine, 2004) and the nutrient requirements of beef cattle established by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM, 2016) throughout various stages of the production cycle.


Soil Sampling and Analysis

Here at PCBFA, we recognize that soil sampling plays a crucial role in determining the optimal rate of nutrients for maximum growth and yield, as well as monitoring nutrient use efficiency. Regular soil nutrient sampling and analysis are integral parts of our nutrient management planning and monitoring. We employ various sampling strategies, including pre-seed sampling for all sites, post-harvest sampling for specific trials, and troubleshooting. Our tests include soil fertility and soil health indicators to provide a comprehensive assessment of the soil.



NASEM (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine). 2016. Nutrient requirements of beef cattle. 8th revised edition. The National Academies Press, Washington, 

Yurchuk, T., and E. Okine. 2004. Agri-facts: Beef ration rules of thumb. Alberta Agriculture Food and Rural Development. Agdex 420/52-4.

Fairview Research Farm Site


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