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PCBFA Research Projects Blog

Jan 16, 2020
Managing Roundup Ready Canola in Corn
Corn acreage in the Peace River Region for livestock feed has steadily increased over the past number of years. Most of the corn

Jan 16, 2020
On-farm corn trials for Grazing or Silage
In parts of the Peace, the practice of extended winter grazing with standing forage corn is continuing to gain more popularity among produce

Dec 4, 2019
Testing of some Wheat & Triticale varieties for Greenfeed & Silage - Regional Silage Variety Trial
The RSVTs help to provide information with regard to the quantity and quality of annual crops cut for green-feed and silage.

Dec 4, 2019
Testing of Oat Varieties for Greenfeed and Silage - Regional Silage Variety Trial (RSVT) 2015
In Alberta, oats have become a reliable source of conserved forage for over-wintering beef cattle.
Dec 4, 2019
Testing of Barley Varieties for Greenfeed and Silage - Regional Silage Variety Trial (RSVT) 2015
To identify barley varieties that have superior forage production in the Peace, PCBFA took part in the Regional Variety Testing program

Dec 4, 2019
Forage Quality of Monoculture Cover Crops Tested in Fairview
Usually we think of cover crops in terms of reducing soil erosion and adding organic matter to the soil – but they can do much more.

Dec 4, 2019
On-farm Demonstration of Annual Cocktail Mixtures for Beef Cattle
Cover crops are an important tool that farmers can use to generate benefits and services on the farm and for society

Dec 4, 2019
Sainfoin – Alfalfa Mixture Trial
Sainfoin is a perennial forage legume that does not cause bloat and is immune to attack by the alfalfa weevil.

Dec 4, 2019
Assessment of Soil Rejuvenation, Seed Germination and Foliar Fertilizer Products for Barley
For optimal growth, plants need a diversity of nutrients. Enhanced microbial activity in the soil will lead to healthier and more fertile so

Dec 4, 2019
Annual Forage Crop Mixtures for Beef Swath Grazing & Dairy Silage
In the Peace, swath grazing annual cereal crops continues to be adopted by livestock producers as a method of extending the grazing season.
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