Demonstration of 16 Perennial Grasses Established in Teepee Creek in 2018
Research Coordinator: Dr. Akim Omokanye Location: Mack Erno's Farm -Teepee Creek From: Peace Country Beef & Forage Association 2019...
Demonstration of 16 Perennial Grasses Established in Teepee Creek in 2018
Demonstration of Subsoiling to Improve Soil Compaction and Infiltration Rates on Pasture
Pasture Rejuvenation Trial at Wanham Provincial Grazing Reserve
Foliar Fertilizer for Pasture Rejuvenation and Grasshopper Control
High Prairie Perennial Forage Demonstrations 2011
Fairview Perennial Forage Demonstration 2011
Sod Seeding of Perennial Forages into Strips