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Canola Variety Trial

Funded by Saddle Hills County


To provide unbiased information to Saddle Hills County producers on the agronomic performance under Saddle Hills conditions of different Canola varieties to assist them in selecting varieties that are best suited for their county. 


The trial was carried out at Cody Dolen’s farm along Hwy 681/RGE 93 in Savanna, Alberta. Site soil information from the surface soil (0-6" soil depth) before seeding: pH=5.6, organic matter = 6.1 electrical conductivity = 0.42 dS/m, while the nutrient analysis of the soil gave N = 30 ppm, P = 14 ppm, K = 176 ppm and S = 5 ppm. Soil base saturation was 61.3% (Ca 47.7%, Mg 15.3%, Na 1.3%, K 2.1%).

The previous crops on the site were Wheat (2022) and Barley (2021). The trial was a randomized complete block design with four replications on small plots measuring 8 m x 1.14 m. Ten (10) Canola varieties (see Table 1) were seeded using a 6-row Fabro Plot Drill equipped with disc-type openers on 23 cm row spacing complete with mid-row banding.

After combining and calculation of Canola yield, subsamples were constituted and sent to a licensed elevator for dockage assessment and grading using standard grading procedures as set out in the Official Grain Grading Guide for Canola and Rapeseed (Canadian Grain Commission, 2023).


Aside from the widespread grasshopper issue in the Peace Country this year, no other pest-related problems, such as fungal, bacterial, or viral diseases, were observed on the plots

Figure 1. Plot Tour of Saddle Hills Canola plots
Figure 1. Plot Tour of Saddle Hills Canola plots
Figure 2. Straight cut Canola at combine
Figure 2. Straight cut Canola at combine


The results of the plant. yield and grain attributes are given in Table 2.

Canola Plant Count

There was a non-significant difference in plant establishment taken 3 weeks after seeding. On average, 61 plants per m2 were obtained with plant establishment varying from 51 to 75 for the varieties tested. 

Plant Height and Lodging

Plant height taken at harvest ranged from 115 cm to 130 cm with no significant difference between varieties (Table 2). No lodging was observed amongst Canola varieties at maturity.

Canola Grain Yield

Canola yield ranged from 38 to 57 bu/ac and did not vary significantly between varieties with the 3 Brett Young varieties yielding 122% – 135% of their respective check varieties (Table 2). Clearfield herbicide system varieties, on average, yielded more than Roundup Ready or Liberty link varieties.

Canola Test and Seed Weight

Test (bushel) weight and thousand seed weight (TSW) ranged from 47 lbs/bu – 52 lbs/bu and 2.83 – 3.73 g/1000 seeds respectively and varied significantly between varieties.


A yield advantage existed for BY23-0943TF, BY23-0041TF and BY23-0246CF varieties over others. Clearfield herbicide system varieties on average yielded better than the Roundup Ready and Liberty Link varieties. No differences were observed between varieties for plant height and no lodging at maturity. Grain attributes such as test weight and seed weights varied significantly between varieties. 


Canola Council of Canada (2023). 2022 Canola Performance Trials Small Plot Protocol.


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