Funded by Overton Environmental Enterprises Inc, Winnipeg, Canada
EcoTea is a plant biostimulant that combines a wide array of plant-supporting microorganisms fortified with added biostimulants to enhance soil quality and nutrient function. Since 2019,
EcoTea has been collaborating with PCBFA to test some of their products on crop yields and quality in Canola-Wheat-Canola rotations. Trials in 2022 testing various EcoTea products showed no significant improvements in Canola yields or quality for most treatments but did show a tendency to increase grain yields following the application of a residue digester on crop stubble in the fall of the previous year (2021). In 2023 we sought to quantify the yield and fertility savings that can be achieved by reducing normal fertility requirements on wheat.
The project was implemented at the Fairview Research Farm (820059 Range Rd, 35 Fairview, AB). Site soil information from the surface soil (0-6" soil depth) before seeding: pH = 5.8, organic matter = 6.1, electrical conductivity = 0.42 dS/m. The nutrient analysis of the soil gave N = 42 ppm, P = 17 ppm, K =155 ppm and S = 5 ppm. The crop history of the site: Canola (2020), Wheat (2021) and Canola (2022).
Experimental design includes randomized complete block design using four replications in small plots measuring 8 m x 1.14 m. Seeding was carried out using a 6-row Fabro Plot Drill with disc-type openers on 23 cm row spacing complete with side banding. Four treatments were evaluated (Table 1). Seeding and crop management practices are provided in Table 1.

The site experienced exceedingly hot temperatures in May, June, and July with a precipitation event shortly after seeding the trial. In total, the growing season received approximately 230 mm (9.1“) of rain. With smoke from regional wildfires, UV Index was possibly reduced and this diminished stress on crops during times of little moisture. Pest pressure was evident throughout the region with grasshoppers having major impacts on hay, pastureland and some annual crops. As pest measurement wasn’t a part of this project we observed some beneficial insects and grasshoppers in the demonstration site through the use of pitfall traps. Analysis is still to be completed on these traps as these results are part of a larger regional program.

Wheat Yield
Wheat grain yields ranged from 59 - 69 bu/ac and did not vary significantly between treatments (Table 2).
Wheat Grain Attributes and Quality
Wheat kernel counts, bushel and thousand kernel weights varied non-significantly among the treatments with ranges of 24-28 kernels, 69.4-70.5 lbs/bu and 39-41 g/1000 seeds recorded respectively. Similarly, grain quality was also non-significantly influenced by EcoTeaTM treatments and narrowly ranged between 16.4-16.9% (Table 2).
EcoTeaTM treatments did not result in any noticeable improvements in all grain yield and grain attributes in this trial. Yields were also neither reduced by EcoTeaTM treatments.
