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PCBFA Research Projects Blog
Dec 4, 2019
Testing of Barley Varieties for Greenfeed and Silage - Regional Silage Variety Trial (RSVT) 2015
To identify barley varieties that have superior forage production in the Peace, PCBFA took part in the Regional Variety Testing program

Dec 4, 2019
Forage Quality of Monoculture Cover Crops Tested in Fairview
Usually we think of cover crops in terms of reducing soil erosion and adding organic matter to the soil – but they can do much more.

Dec 4, 2019
On-farm Demonstration of Annual Cocktail Mixtures for Beef Cattle
Cover crops are an important tool that farmers can use to generate benefits and services on the farm and for society

Dec 4, 2019
Assessment of Soil Rejuvenation, Seed Germination and Foliar Fertilizer Products for Barley
For optimal growth, plants need a diversity of nutrients. Enhanced microbial activity in the soil will lead to healthier and more fertile so

Dec 4, 2019
Annual Forage Crop Mixtures for Beef Swath Grazing & Dairy Silage
In the Peace, swath grazing annual cereal crops continues to be adopted by livestock producers as a method of extending the grazing season.

Oct 9, 2019
Highlights of On-Farm Test Plots of Some Annuals for Cover Crop Cocktail Mixtures
A series of workshops on cover cropping put on by PCBFA has shown that the advantages of integrating cover cropping systems into the forage
Oct 9, 2019
Grain Yield of Peas with and without Applied Soil Rejuvenation Liquid Nutrient
Soil Rejuvenation, is a custom blended liquid formulation (from Best Environmental Technologies) that will feed the existing microorganisms

Oct 9, 2019
Demonstration of Cover Crop Mixtures for Grain and Livestock Grazing
Soil conservation, nutrient sequestration, weed suppression, improved soil health, and optimizing grain and forage production, among others,

Oct 9, 2019
On-Farm Demonstration of Cover Crop Cocktails Mixtures
Soil conservation, nutrient sequestration, weed suppression, improved soil health, quality feeds, among others, are reasons why cover crop

Oct 9, 2019
Evaluation of Low Heat Unit Corn Hybrids Compared to Barley for Grazing
Well managed corn production and grazing plans will reduce or eliminate labour, feed and manure handling costs during the winter. One of the

Oct 9, 2019
On-farm Testing of Triticale and Corn for Extending the Grazing Season
Research Coordinator: Dr. Akim Omokanye Collaborating producer: John Prinse (MD of Big Lakes) From: Peace Country Beef & Forage...

Oct 9, 2019
Mixtures of Fall Rye, Sweet Clover and Proso Millet for Grazing
Cereals can provide high energy feed for livestock within a short period of time. They can be harvested at the milk to soft dough stage for

Oct 9, 2019
On-farm Testing of 7 Corn Hybrids for Forage Production
Grazing your herd on corn can lower your winter feed costs, reduce your operating expenses and save you time. Corn also has the potential to
Oct 8, 2019
Demonstration of Annuals in Monocultures and in Cover Crop Mixtures
Cover crops are an important tool that farmers can use to generate benefits and services on the farm and for society, including improved

Oct 8, 2019
Pulse - Cereal Mixtures for Forage Yield and Quality
Mixing pulse (such as field peas) with a cereal for forage is being commonly done by some producers to improve forage quality, with a possi

Oct 8, 2019
Forage Type Barley Varieties for Greenfeed and Silage: Yield and Quality
In 2014, PCBFA took part in the Regional Variety Testing program (Regional Silage Variety Trials (RSVT). The program includes testing of new
Oct 8, 2019
Corn for Grazing & Silage Production
As an annual, it can be grazed successfully during the fall and winter to extend the grazing season, and thereby reducing feed cost per head

Oct 8, 2019
Forage Yield & Feed Quality of Five Corn Hybrids
Corn is known as a forage crop that has the potential of yielding more energy per acre than any other forage crop in areas of western Canada

Oct 8, 2019
Forage Yield & Feed Quality of Four Corn Hybrids
Corn is a high energy feed with protein levels that will normally match the nutritional needs of a dry cow in mid and late pregnancy.
Oct 8, 2019
Evaluation of Low Heat Unit Corn Hybrids Compared to Barley for Grazing
Corn is an option for producers looking to extend the grazing season and reduce feed costs per cow per day.
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