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PCBFA Research Projects Blog

Jan 31, 2020
Forage-Type Brassica Crops for Inclusion in Cocktail Mixtures
Brassicas are a group of closely related plants, which include cabbage, cauliflower, kale, rape, radish, turnip, rutabaga and swede. Grazing

Jan 31, 2020
Testing of Forage-Type Legumes for Inclusion in Cocktail Mixtures
Because of the interest in cocktail mixtures, there is a need to regularly test new annual crops as they are introduced to the Peace for the

Jan 31, 2020
Cocktail Mixtures Versus Forage-Type Cereal Monocrops
There is growing interest in the potential for a multispecies cover crop mixture (cocktail) for forage-based livestock production. The idea

Jan 31, 2020
Warm Season and Cool Season Cereals: Forage Yield & Quality
Because of the increasing number of acres of cocktail mixtures in parts of the Peace, there is a need to regularly test new annual crops as

Jan 29, 2020
Nitrate Levels in Selected Cocktails in 2016: The Risk of Nitrate Toxicity
Cocktail cover crops are often used to further increase the benefits of a one-species cover crop. Cocktail cover crops offer more diversity

Jan 28, 2020
Annual Crop Mixtures for Beef Swath Grazing and Dairy Silage
Swath grazing is a management practice that can be used to extend the grazing season and to reduce feed, labor and manure handling costs

Jan 28, 2020
Annual & Italian Ryegrass Variety Trial For Forage and Re-Growth Potential
Annual and Italian ryegrasses are easier to establish. Producers ask many questions about annual and Italian ryegrass varieties.

Jan 28, 2020
Demonstration of Cover Crop Types as Mono-crops for Forage Yield and Nutritional Value
Annual crops for forages can be used to provide an additional source of hay, silage or pasture when perennial forage crops are in short

Jan 27, 2020
On-farm Demonstration of Cocktail Mixtures
Cover crops (CCs) and their mixtures (cocktail mixtures) are an important tool that producers can use to generate multiple benefits

Jan 27, 2020
Multi-species Cover Crop Mixtures (Cocktails) for Silage
Interest in the potential for a multispecies cover crop (CC) blend for silage, swath grazing and greenfeed has been growing amongst beef

Dec 4, 2019
Forage Quality of Monoculture Cover Crops Tested in Fairview
Usually we think of cover crops in terms of reducing soil erosion and adding organic matter to the soil – but they can do much more.

Dec 4, 2019
On-farm Demonstration of Annual Cocktail Mixtures for Beef Cattle
Cover crops are an important tool that farmers can use to generate benefits and services on the farm and for society

Dec 4, 2019
Annual Forage Crop Mixtures for Beef Swath Grazing & Dairy Silage
In the Peace, swath grazing annual cereal crops continues to be adopted by livestock producers as a method of extending the grazing season.

Oct 9, 2019
Highlights of On-Farm Test Plots of Some Annuals for Cover Crop Cocktail Mixtures
A series of workshops on cover cropping put on by PCBFA has shown that the advantages of integrating cover cropping systems into the forage

Oct 9, 2019
Demonstration of Cover Crop Mixtures for Grain and Livestock Grazing
Soil conservation, nutrient sequestration, weed suppression, improved soil health, and optimizing grain and forage production, among others,

Oct 9, 2019
On-Farm Demonstration of Cover Crop Cocktails Mixtures
Soil conservation, nutrient sequestration, weed suppression, improved soil health, quality feeds, among others, are reasons why cover crop

Oct 9, 2019
Mixtures of Fall Rye, Sweet Clover and Proso Millet for Grazing
Cereals can provide high energy feed for livestock within a short period of time. They can be harvested at the milk to soft dough stage for
Oct 8, 2019
Demonstration of Annuals in Monocultures and in Cover Crop Mixtures
Cover crops are an important tool that farmers can use to generate benefits and services on the farm and for society, including improved

Mar 4, 2019
Alternative Feeds: Forage Yield & Feed Value of Brassicas and Warm Season Cereals
Collaborating Producer: Grant & Audrey Gaschnitz, High Prairie Research Coordinator: Dr. Akim Omokanye From: Peace Country Beef & Forage...
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