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PCBFA Research Projects Blog

Feb 3, 2020
Soybean Varieties for Forage Production
Soybeans are a warm season annual legume that is grown mainly for the oil and protein value of their seed. Forage soybeans may be an option

Feb 3, 2020
Demonstration of Sunflower, Phacelia and Sugar Beet for Forage Quality
Many annual crops are suitable for inclusion in cocktail mixtures for forage production (grazing, silage or greenfeed) and to improve soil

Feb 3, 2020
Progress Report on Soil pH and Nutrient Improvement with Forage Brassicas and Buckwheat
Soil acidity is identified by the measurement of soil reaction (pH). The reaction is alkaline when the pH value is above 7.0; neutral at 7.

Feb 3, 2020
Progress Report on Reducing Fertility Costs for Cereals
Proper nutrition is essential for crop growth and production. Nitrogen is the most common limiting nutrient for crop production systems. In

Feb 3, 2020
Corn Intercropping Systems to Improve Corn Forage Quality
Corn is good for extending the grazing season. Corn would normally meet the energy requirements of mature beef cattle, but occasionally the

Jan 31, 2020
Forage-Type Brassica Crops for Inclusion in Cocktail Mixtures
Brassicas are a group of closely related plants, which include cabbage, cauliflower, kale, rape, radish, turnip, rutabaga and swede. Grazing

Jan 31, 2020
Testing of Forage-Type Legumes for Inclusion in Cocktail Mixtures
Because of the interest in cocktail mixtures, there is a need to regularly test new annual crops as they are introduced to the Peace for the

Jan 31, 2020
Cocktail Mixtures Versus Forage-Type Cereal Monocrops
There is growing interest in the potential for a multispecies cover crop mixture (cocktail) for forage-based livestock production. The idea

Jan 31, 2020
Warm Season and Cool Season Cereals: Forage Yield & Quality
Because of the increasing number of acres of cocktail mixtures in parts of the Peace, there is a need to regularly test new annual crops as

Jan 31, 2020
Annual & Italian Ryegrass Variety Trial For Forage and Regrowth Potential
It is important to choose a variety of annual or Italian ryegrass that establishes quickly, a variety that is well -adapted to the area, yie

Jan 31, 2020
Peace Common Oat & Barley Varieties Versus Soft White Wheat Varieties for Silage
Winter feed costs typically represent the largest portion of cow/calf expenses. In the Peace, oats and barley are the two most commonly use

Jan 30, 2020
Regional Silage Variety Trials: Pea-Cereal Mixtures (2017)
Planting and growing two crops simultaneously on the same field, particularly growing of legumes with cereals, is known to offer scope for

Jan 30, 2020
Regional Silage Variety Trials: Triticale Varieties (2017)
Triticale has the potential to introduce valuable economic benefits to forage production systems. Triticale is a very important alternative

Jan 30, 2020
Regional Silage Variety Trials: Oat Varieties (2017)
In the Peace Country, oats have become a reliable source of conserved forage for over-wintering beef cattle. There is a need for continued l

Jan 30, 2020
Regional Silage Variety Trials: Barley Varieties (2017)
According to the Alberta Agriculture & Forestry publication “Barley Production in Alberta”, of the major cereal crops, barley is the most se

Jan 29, 2020
ASB Environmental Project: On-farm Soil Nutrient & Health Assessments
On-farm soil nutrient budgeting and mapping, PCBFA identified 6 livestock and cropping operations across the Peace Country for the project.

Jan 29, 2020
Nitrate Levels in Selected Cocktails in 2016: The Risk of Nitrate Toxicity
Cocktail cover crops are often used to further increase the benefits of a one-species cover crop. Cocktail cover crops offer more diversity

Jan 29, 2020
Demonstration of 14 Soybean Varieties for Forage
Soybean plants may be grazed or harvested from the flowering stage to near maturity for use as high-quality hay. Soybeans may also be grown

Jan 28, 2020
Demonstration of Corn Intercropping Systems to Improve Corn Forage Quality
Over 100 corn forage samples have been analyzed for quality by PCBFA in the last few years, and the majority of the samples came

Jan 28, 2020
Field Scale Corn Seeding Rate Trial
Plant population refers to the number of plants per acre; planting or seeding rate refers to the number of seeds planted per acre.
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