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PCBFA Research Projects Blog

Jan 29, 2020
ASB Environmental Project: On-farm Soil Nutrient & Health Assessments
On-farm soil nutrient budgeting and mapping, PCBFA identified 6 livestock and cropping operations across the Peace Country for the project.

Jan 29, 2020
Nitrate Levels in Selected Cocktails in 2016: The Risk of Nitrate Toxicity
Cocktail cover crops are often used to further increase the benefits of a one-species cover crop. Cocktail cover crops offer more diversity

Jan 29, 2020
A Progress Report on Fall or Spring Management Options for Pastures: Renovate or Rejuvenate?
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of different methods of rejuvenating old forage stands and brush control in comparis

Jan 29, 2020
Progress Report on On-farm Evaluation of Forage-stand Rejuvenation Methods
Producers’ questions in the Peace on forage-stand rejuvenation methods always include: How much more forage does a reseed produce? How will

Jan 29, 2020
Using Subsoiling to Reduce Soil Compaction in Pastures
On beef cattle operations, at some point, forage production of hay fields and pastures will no longer meet minimum production expectations

Jan 29, 2020
Demonstration of 14 Soybean Varieties for Forage
Soybean plants may be grazed or harvested from the flowering stage to near maturity for use as high-quality hay. Soybeans may also be grown

Jan 28, 2020
Demonstration of Corn Intercropping Systems to Improve Corn Forage Quality
Over 100 corn forage samples have been analyzed for quality by PCBFA in the last few years, and the majority of the samples came

Jan 28, 2020
Field Scale Corn Seeding Rate Trial
Plant population refers to the number of plants per acre; planting or seeding rate refers to the number of seeds planted per acre.

Jan 28, 2020
Determining Optimum Nitrogen Rates for Corn
One of the most costly and important inputs in corn production is nitrogen fertilizer. The objective of this project is to help develop

Jan 28, 2020
Peace Corn Variety Trial
In the Peace Country region, winter feeding costs make up the bulk of the overall cost of production for cow-calf producers. There are many

Jan 28, 2020
Managing Roundup Ready Canola in Corn
Corn acreage in the Peace River Region for livestock feed has steadily increased over the past number of years. Most of the corn seeded is

Jan 28, 2020
Testing of New Sainfoin Lines for Bloat-free Alfalfa Pasture Mixtures
Sainfoin is a perennial forage legume that does not cause bloat because of its condensed tannin concentration. The condensed tannin is very

Jan 28, 2020
Annual Crop Mixtures for Beef Swath Grazing and Dairy Silage
Swath grazing is a management practice that can be used to extend the grazing season and to reduce feed, labor and manure handling costs

Jan 28, 2020
Annual & Italian Ryegrass Variety Trial For Forage and Re-Growth Potential
Annual and Italian ryegrasses are easier to establish. Producers ask many questions about annual and Italian ryegrass varieties.

Jan 28, 2020
Demonstration of Cover Crop Types as Mono-crops for Forage Yield and Nutritional Value
Annual crops for forages can be used to provide an additional source of hay, silage or pasture when perennial forage crops are in short

Jan 27, 2020
Forage DM Yield and Nutritional Value of Oat Varieties Harvested at 3 Stages of Maturity
Producers in Alberta harvest significant acreage of annual crops for greenfeed and silage every year.

Jan 27, 2020
Regional Silage Variety Trials: Pulse Mixtures (Pea-Cereal Mixtures)
The growing of two crops simultaneously on the same field, particularly growing of legumes with cereals is known to offer scope

Jan 27, 2020
Triticale Varieties for Swath Grazing
Swath grazing is one of the commonly used methods in the Peace to extend the field grazing season. Swath grazing eliminates the cost and

Jan 27, 2020
Regional Silage Variety Trials: Spring Triticale Varieties for Silage
Triticale is a cross of wheat and rye. Triticale is a cool season cover crop. Spring triticale provides an excellent high yielding

Jan 27, 2020
Regional Silage Variety Trials: Oat Varieties
Oat is the most popular cool-season cereal crop grown for forage and has become a reliable source of conserved forage for over-wintering
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